Betting Odds Converter

Are you a sports betting enthusiast who wants to understand and compare different odds formats? Odds are the way of expressing the likelihood of an event happening, and they can vary depending on how the bookmaker or the bettor chooses to display them. There are three main formats of odds: decimal, fractional and American.

Enter odds in any format and click Convert to see the equivalent odds in other formats and the implied probability.

Decimal Fractional American Implied Probability

Decimal odds are the easiest and most common way to show odds. They indicate how much you will win for every unit you bet. For example, if you bet $10 on an event with decimal odds of 2.5, you will win $25 ($10 x 2.5) if your bet is successful.

Fractional odds are more widely used in the UK and Ireland, and they show the proportion of your profit to your stake. For example, if you bet $10 on an event with fractional odds of 3/2, you will win $15 ($10 x 3/2) plus your stake back, for a total return of $25.

American odds are more prevalent in the US and Canada, and they show how much you need to bet to win $100 (if the odds are positive) or how much you will win for every $100 you bet (if the odds are negative). For example, if you bet $10 on an event with American odds of +150, you will win $15 ($10 x 150/100) plus your stake back, for a total return of $25. If you bet $10 on an event with American odds of -200, you will need to bet $20 ($10 x 200/100) to win $10 plus your stake back, for a total return of $30.

To make your betting experience more convenient and fun, we have created a tool that allows you to enter odds in any format and instantly convert them to the other two formats. You can also see the implied probability of each outcome based on the odds. Just type in the odds in the box below and click on “Convert”. You will see the results in a table with all the relevant information.

Our tool is free and simple to use, and it can help you compare different betting options and find the best value for your money. Whether you prefer decimal, fractional or American odds, our tool can help you convert them in seconds.

Different Types of Betting Odds Converters

Each of these converters is designed to help you make the most out of your bets and increase your profits.

Table of Common Odds Converted


Frequently Asked Questions About Our Tool

Q: How do I use the tool?
A: Simply type in the odds in any format in the box below and click on “Convert”. You will see a table with the converted odds in decimal, fractional and American formats, as well as the implied probability of each outcome.

Q: What is implied probability?
A: Implied probability is the percentage chance of an outcome based on the odds. It is calculated by dividing 100 by the decimal odds. For example, if the decimal odds are 2.5, the implied probability is 40% (100 / 2.5).

Q: How do I convert decimal odds to fractional odds?
A: To convert decimal odds to fractional odds, you need to subtract 1 from the decimal odds and then find the simplest fraction that represents that number. For example, if the decimal odds are 2.5, you need to subtract 1 and get 1.5. Then you need to find the simplest fraction that equals 1.5, which is 3/2.

Q: How do I convert fractional odds to decimal odds?
A: To convert fractional odds to decimal odds, you need to divide the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number) and then add 1. For example, if the fractional odds are 3/2, you need to divide 3 by 2 and get 1.5. Then you need to add 1 and get 2.5.

Q: How do I convert American odds to decimal odds?
A: To convert American odds to decimal odds, you need to follow different rules depending on whether the American odds are positive or negative. If they are positive, you need to divide them by 100 and then add 1. For example, if the American odds are +150, you need to divide them by 100 and get 1.5. Then you need to add 1 and get 2.5. If they are negative, you need to divide 100 by them (without the minus sign) and then add 1. For example, if the American odds are -200, you need to divide 100 by them (without the minus sign) and get 0.5. Then you need to add 1 and get 1.5.