Decimal to American Odds Converter

Convert decimal odds to American odds and calculate the implied probability.

This odds converter tool allows you to easily convert decimal odds to American odds, as well as calculate the implied probability of the odds. Simply enter the decimal odds in the input field and the American odds and implied probability will be calculated and displayed automatically.

How to Use the Converter

Enter the decimal odds you want to convert in the “Decimal” input field. The American odds and implied probability will be automatically calculated and displayed in the “American” and “Implied Probability” input fields.

Example: Decimal odds of 2.50 would be equivalent to American odds of +150 and an implied probability of 40%.

What are Decimal Odds?

Decimal odds are a modern way of expressing odds that are commonly used in Europe, Australia, and Canada. They are represented as a decimal number, such as 3.00 or 2.50, and indicate the total amount that will be returned for every unit staked, including the original stake.

What are American Odds?

American odds, also known as moneyline odds, are a popular way of expressing odds in the United States. They are represented as a positive or negative number, such as +200 or -150, and indicate the amount that would be won or lost on a $100 bet.


Please note that this tool is intended for educational and informational purposes only. The results provided by this tool are not guaranteed to be accurate or reliable and should not be relied upon for making betting or gambling decisions. Always use your own judgment and seek professional advice before making any decisions related to betting or gambling.

Table of Common Decimal Odds Converted American Odds

DecimalAmericanImplied Probability
2.50+15040.00 %

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Tool

Q: What is a Decimal to American Odds Converter?
A: A Decimal to American Odds Converter is an online tool that helps you convert decimal odds to American odds, as well as calculate the implied probability of the odds.

Q: Why should I use a Decimal to American Odds Converter?
A: If you are used to working with decimal odds, but want to know the equivalent American odds or implied probability, a converter can save you time and effort.

Q: How do I use the Decimal to American Odds Converter?
A: To use the Decimal to American Odds Converter, simply enter the decimal odds you want to convert in the “Decimal” input field, and the converter will automatically calculate the American odds and implied probability, displaying them in the corresponding input fields.

Q: Are the results provided by the Decimal to American Odds Converter accurate?
A: While the Decimal to American Odds Converter uses a standard formula to convert decimal odds to American odds and calculate the implied probability, the results provided by the tool may not be 100% accurate. It is important to use your own judgment and seek professional advice before making any decisions related to betting or gambling.