Fractional to American Odds Converter

Fractional to American odds converter can easily convert any fractional odds to American odds and calculate the implied probability of each outcome. With this converter, you can quickly compare odds and make more informed betting decisions. Whether you’re a professional bettor or just starting out, our Fractional to American Odds Converter is a valuable resource for anyone interested in sports betting.

Enter fractional odds:

American odds:

Implied Probability:

If you are interested in sports betting, you may have encountered different types of odds formats. One of the most common ones is American or moneyline odds, which are used mainly in North America. American odds show how much you need to bet or win for every $100 staked or won. They can be positive or negative depending on whether the outcome is favored or not. For example, American odds of +200 mean that you will win $200 for every $100 staked, while American odds of -200 mean that you need to stake $200 to win $100.

However, some bettors may prefer to use fractional odds, which are more popular in the UK and Ireland. Fractional odds show the ratio of your potential profit to your stake, such as 2/1 or 11/4. They can help you understand how much you stand to gain relative to your risk.

But how do you convert fractional odds to American odds? You may need to do this if you want to compare different betting options or use a different odds format than the one offered by your bookmaker. Fortunately, there is an easy way to do this using a calculator or a formula.

To convert fractional odds to American odds, you also need to use different formulas depending on whether the fractional odds are below or above 2. If the fractional odds are below 2, you need to multiply them by 100 and then add a plus sign. For example, if the fractional odds are 2/1, you need to multiply 2/1 by 100 and then add a plus sign, which gives you +200 as the American odds. If the fractional odds are above 2, you need to divide -100 by them and then add a minus sign. For example, if the fractional odds are 1/2, you need to divide -100 by 1/2 and then add a minus sign, which gives you -200 as the American odds.

If you don’t want to do the math yourself, you can use our handy Fractional to American Odds Converter tool on this page. Just enter any fractional or American odds value and click on “Convert” to see the equivalent value in the other format. You can also see the implied probability of each outcome based on the odds.

Table of Common Fractional Odds Converted to American Odds

Fractional OddsAmerican OddsImplied Probability

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Tool

Q: How do I use your Fractional to American Odds Converter tool?
A: Our Fractional to American Odds Converter tool is very easy to use. All you have to do is enter any fractional odd value in the box and click on “Tab”. The tool will automatically display the equivalent value in the other format as well as the implied probability for each outcome.

Q: What are fractional odds?
A: Fractional odds are a traditional way of representing betting odds that are common in the UK and Ireland. They are represented as a fraction (e.g. 2/1), with the numerator representing the potential profit and the denominator representing the stake.

Q: What are American odds?
A: American odds, also known as moneyline odds, are a popular way of representing betting odds in North America. They are represented as a positive or negative number (e.g. +200 or -150), with the positive number indicating the potential profit on a $100 bet and the negative number indicating the amount you need to bet to win $100.

Q: Why should I use American or fractional odds?
A: The choice of using American or fractional odds depends on your personal preference and convenience. Some bettors may find American odds easier to understand and compare because they show how much they need to bet or win for every $100 staked or won. Others may prefer fractional odds because they show the potential profit relative to the stake and are more traditional in some markets. You can use our Fractional to American Odds Converter tool to switch between different formats whenever you want.

Q: Why should I use your converter?
A: Our Fractional to American Odds Converter is a valuable tool for anyone interested in sports betting. It allows you to easily compare odds and make more informed betting decisions. With our tool, you can quickly convert fractional odds to American odds and calculate the implied probability of each outcome, giving you an edge in your betting strategy.

Q: How can I compare different odds formats?
A: One way to compare different odds formats is to use our Odds Converter tool, which can convert any odds format to any other format. Another way is to use the implied probability, which is the same for all odds formats and can help you evaluate how likely a bet is to win or lose. You can also use our Margin Calculator tool, which can help you find the best odds and the lowest margin offered by different bookmakers.